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Good news! Honor won the Best Chairman and the Most Growing Listed Company Award in High-end Manufacturing Industry

Release time:2021-12-30 Views:1689

On December 24, the "11th Public praise List of Listed Companies in China 2021", sponsored by National Business Daily, has been tested by public nomination, big data screening, model screening and institutional + public voting, and 14 lists gathered professional public praise and market praise have been born. Among them, Eurocom obtained Best Growing Listed Company in High-end manufacturing industry Wang Heqiu, chairman of Eurocom, won the award Chairman of the Board. It is reported that the selection of more than 100 listed companies won 14 awards, they are the most dynamic and innovative star of China's economy, but also the essence of more than 4,000 A-share listed companies.


Acquired this time Most Promising Company in High-end manufacturing, is the company's focus on the main business for many years, in production, research and development, innovation, social responsibility and other aspects of the capital market and investors fully recognized the evidence. The chairman of a company represents the enterprise and plays a pivotal role in the company. As the role of the chairman of a listed company has been paid more and more attention by the outside world, the "Best Chairman Award" has become one of the most eye-catching awards.


The evaluation of the Reputation list of China's listed companies aims to recognize the listed companies that lead technological innovation and future trends, and thus actively promote the development of the industry. Since 2011, the event has been held for 11 consecutive years, with good credibility and influence, becoming one of the important awards with far-reaching influence in the industry. This selection, there are thousands of listed company nominated through the public network, data selection, data, model selection, public voting and expert panels review several links such as, in more than three months, the selection by the myriad of online investors' participation in and attention, on behalf of the trillions of money hundred institutions actively vote, finally selected award winners.

This year, Oulutong won the "2021 Reputation List of China's Listed Companies" two awards of the most Growing Listed Company and the Best Chairman of the High-end manufacturing Industry, which is not only highly recognized by the expert review group, but also encourages Oulutong to keep innovating and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of China's manufacturing industry.